Monday, February 2, 2009

Another audition and other exciting times

The first month of 09 is all over, and I must say things aren't shaping up too badly. I had my audition for Temple University last Saturday. It was a very different experience from the one for UArts. Things at UA were very relaxed and laid back, and smaller. Here everything was bigger and more regimented. UA also had a much more human touch, at Temple the presentation at the beginning and the aural exam were all done by a recorded disembodied voice. The audition itself wasn't a complete disaster, though they didn't review my portfolio with me there in the room like they had at UA, which I didn't like. They just gave me a piano sight-reading exam (not good) and a sight-singing exam (also not good, much to my dismay), asked me some questions, and that was it. I think I made it a little too clear I was looking for more of a contemporary music education while they were a mostly classical department, so I never had much of a chance to impress them. I don't think I'm good enough grade-wise to be excepted to the university, so it didn't really matter how well I auditioned anyway.

But I already got into my top choice college. What do I care what Temple thinks?

Sunday was my first eight-hour shift at work, which was long but not too bad, anyway it was really random when I found out considering how bad my hours have been lately. Sunday evening I met with Khai and we got to practicing our new version of my song North Winds. He's actually made some good progress, and now after I send him some practice tracks and he really works at it, we'll be ready to record a demo. That's pretty exciting.

Today was the first day of school show rehearsals. This whole first month will be nothing but learning music, which isn't so bad. I just hope our voices can stand it. Now I really need to figure out how I'm going to fit in everything I want to do around school show. I have a pretty good chunk of time between three and six o' clock every day. I should be able to get some stuff done.

Speaking of which, what all do I need to do tomorrow?

1. Practice tracks for Khai
2. Call about guitar lessons
3. Start learning Logic so I can work on my album!

I should be able to do all that in three hours. One and two will take hardly any time at all.

Today was also the first day of photography class. That class will be a breeze of course (so much better than piano), I only need to worry about waking up and getting there on time. The first step to that will be going to bed on time. I don't why that's been such a problem this school year.

I heard something about some kind of important football game that happened on Sunday. Not really sure what it's all about, all I know is nobody at work mentioned it, and in the evening I was with Khai and Khai didn't mention it. Who knows? Oh yeah, and something about Bruce Springsteen. We just can't let our poor washed-up has-beens go in peace. Six more weeks of winter! I bet. Today everything outside melted, it was disgusting.

Other than that last paragraph, exciting times! I'll tell you what.

_Dr. M

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