I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, though it was very rushed. I enjoy making these kinds of collages, it is the one area of visual art I'm interested in seriously exploring, so expect more of this sometime.
The girl I gave it to seemed to like it. From the exchange I recieved two t-shirts, one that says "Tim Da Man" and another that says "Jus Be Cool" [sic] with my last name on the back. Possibly the most random, most awesome gifts I've ever received, I plan on wearing them often. I have no idea what the girl who gave them to me's original intentions were, maybe she was slightly inebriated at the time, but regardless they were the best things she could have given me. She asked my girlfriend when she was visiting about my favorite color, to which Rachel replied "earthy colors" (which is true), and somehow this girl took that to mean an awkward, faded lime-green color which couldn't possibly match anything in anybody's wardrobe. Only adding to the awesomeness.
Actually, on second thought, her card said she wanted to give me a gift "as cool and unique" as I am. These gifts sure are unique, but... seriously... "Tim Da Man"? I'm not sure what she's trying to say.
Anyway, today we had our last chamber choir performance in conjunction with these gals:
Sweet Adelines, Reading Pagoda chapter. I love these girls. They perform barbershop-style a capella numbers, looking just as perky and happy to still be alive as you could possibly want. Swaying, smiling, choreographed poses, the whole bit. Their singing is well-rehearsed, if not, well, hey they're old. They asked us to perform with them tonight in a barn. A semi-heated barn with a flame thrower. Well, it wasn't a flame thrower, but it kind of looked like one, it was this awesome old-fashioned space heater that spewed tiny licks of flames. And god bless it, as this was the most ungodly freezing, bitter night there ever was ever.
I had a pretty good time. Tomorrow is the last day of school before break, and guess how many total classes I plan on attending. I wouldn't even go if my mother wasn't making me. Oh well.
And now a special bonus:
Here's a list of everything I'm excited about right at this moment.
-Getting into (and getting a scholarship to) UArts
-Getting my new computer
-Poetry Out Loud, a national poetry recitation contest our English department is starting to prepare for (more on that later)
-Getting started on an electronic composition I'm making for an electronic composition competition (yah yah yah), which I just started writing the kick-ass main melody for today
That's about it. I'm definitely not excited about having to work over break, though I am very excited about spending more time with Rachel.
So long for now.
-Dr. M
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