Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Back in again!

Man, one whole week! I really need to start posting again. Every other day, at least.

What's happened since last Tuesday? Well, last week was a very tired week where not much happened. Then a four-day weekend since I was out on Friday and we had a crazy snow day on Monday. Now, hopefully, I'm back into the swing of things.

I'm feeling a little more perky now then I was last week. I got my hair cut at the mall today, I'm very happy with how it turned out. Hair is such an odd thing. I'm trying to grow it out, go for the later John Lennon look. We'll see if that plan survives the summer.

I'm swiftly beating Majora's Mask, which has got me started on my latest project. Ever since I was in grade school, I wanted to design a video game. Just in theory, come up with all the characters, levels, and story lines. Now I've finally come up with a concept and a method that will allow me to do that, assuming I stick with it. Just another creative outlet, and who knows what opportunities life will hand me in the future. Maybe, just maybe, I'll get the chance to propose this idea to someone in the industry some day. You never know.

I totally let the guitar slide last week, so today I bought a poster with guitar tabs to put on my wall, and I'm going to try picking it up again. I need some sort of goal to work towards. And a little self discipline.

College situation: Temple accepted me to the university but not to the music program (ha ha go figure, but I did have a bad audition), I'm not going to audition for Westchester, and we're getting ready to send the deposit into UArts so none of that matters. Hopefully it will all be squared away soon.

Every highschool senior in PA has to complete a "senior project" before they can graduate, which is a volunteer, career-awareness, or academic/creative project (which basically means, do something and write about it). I'm making mine my new album, which is good because now I have a deadline of the last day in April that it has to be done by.

We staged my big number in school show today, and it's going to be a lot of fun. It almost makes the whole mess worthwhile.

I miss Rachel. But she's coming back for spring break next week! So I'm okay.

Only one more real month of school to go, because April and May hardly count, with trips and finals and all. This spring is actually shaping up quite nicely, I haven't been too busy at all.

However, I've decided that instead of just waiting for this school year to end, I should be making the most of the time, since none of us really have that much in the grand scheme of things. So it's time to start a new album, get things going with A One Knight Stand (yes, that's officially the name of my band now), and learn the guitar.

And maybe write a video game.

_Dr. M

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